a tergoの例文


  1. On the one side stand those that acknowledge none but efficient causes, which make force prior to thought, and explain the universe, as it were, " a tergo " ( " from the back " ).
  2. Wives wishing to conceive are advised against moving vigorously during intercourse, since such movements " knock the ploughshare from the furrow and misdirect the sowing of the seed . " Lucretius recommends " doggy style " ( " a tergo " ) for couples trying to conceive, because it mimics the natural procreative sex of animals.
  3. Freud's eventual analysis ( along with Pankejeff's input ) of the dream was that it was the result of Pankejeff having witnessed a " primal scene " & mdash; his parents having sex " a tergo " ( " from behind " or " doggy style " ) & mdash; at a very young age.
  4. The " figura veneris " in which the woman crouches to lift her buttocks, called " the lioness ", may be intended for anal penetration, since boys in Greek art can be portrayed in the same position; with a female partner, it may be difficult to distinguish in art from " a tergo " ( rear entry ) . " Culibonia " ( " good anal " ) was a humorous term for a prostitute with this speciality.


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